Saturday, July 23, 2011
First Banknote of WORLD
Jiaozi ( 交子) is a form of banknote which appeared around 10th century in the Sichuan capital of Chengdu , China . Most numismatists generally regard it as the first paper money in history, a development of the Chinese Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD).
To combat counterfeiting, jiaozi were stamped with multiple Banknote seals.
Chinese Song Dynasty,
First Banknote of WORLD,
钞票1866 25 $
これはC. Yuan Hengli のお金店 の 未発行交換ノートである
これはC Yuan Hengli のお金店 の 未発行交換ノートである。
"価値10 で" 支払うべき3 つのひもが率"98" を銅硬貨を打ったように種類は与えられる。ノートの底で与えられる緑色の銘刻文字は言う
"全体で147 PC 。"丁度合う何が満州(q " 使用される) で現金硬貨の計算の方法へ価値10"は鋳造する。他のdiao がまたこのお金のSH 操作のために、私知られている5及び1 diao 未発行の物しか見なかった。
この銀行は第二次世界大戦の間のインドの1 本またはより多くの枝を開けた。中国の首都は戦争の間のChungking へ動き、コミュニケーションしか中国インドを通って外の世界あったならなかった。米国軍隊と装置はインドを通って中国へ来、中国軍隊はインドのAmericans によって訓練された。そこの中国軍隊はインドの銀製硬貨と支払われた従って中国の政府にインドの銀行業設備がなければならなかった。
这是C.) 元•Hengli 金钱 商店 交换笔记
这是C.) 元•Hengli 金钱 商店 unissued 交换笔记
这是C.) 元•Hengli 金钱 商店 unissued 交换笔记。
衡量单位被给如同3 串付得起按"价值10" 碰撞铜币以率"98" 。题字在绿色被给在笔记的底部认为
"一共147 个人计算机。"重视10 枚" 硬币"什么确切地适合对现金硬币的演算的方法被使用在满洲(q") 。其它 1 diao和5 diao 并且为人所知为这金钱sh 操作, 我只看见了unissued 那些。
这家银行打开了一个或更多分支在印度在第二次世界大战期间。中国首都被移动了向Chungking 在战争期间并且唯一的通信中国必须外部世界是通过印度。美国军队和设备来了到中国通过印度, 并且中国军队由Americans 训练了在印度。中国军队那里被支付了与印第安银币因此中国政府必须有金融机构在印度
这是C.) 元•Hengli 金钱 商店 unissued 交换笔记。
衡量单位被给如同3 串付得起按"价值10" 碰撞铜币以率"98" 。题字在绿色被给在笔记的底部认为
"一共147 个人计算机。"重视10 枚" 硬币"什么确切地适合对现金硬币的演算的方法被使用在满洲(q") 。其它 1 diao和5 diao 并且为人所知为这金钱sh 操作, 我只看见了unissued 那些。
这家银行打开了一个或更多分支在印度在第二次世界大战期间。中国首都被移动了向Chungking 在战争期间并且唯一的通信中国必须外部世界是通过印度。美国军队和设备来了到中国通过印度, 并且中国军队由Americans 训练了在印度。中国军队那里被支付了与印第安银币因此中国政府必须有金融机构在印度
这是C.) 元•Hengli 金钱 商店 交换笔记,
钞票1866 25 $
Yuan Hengli Money Shop,3 diao 3 strings
Yuan Hengli Money Shop, 3 diao
3 strings (diao) payable in value 10 struck copper coins
This is an unissued exchange note of 元亨利 Yuan Hengli Money Shop.
Top inscription: 歷邑東北鄉李官莊
Printed obviously in the early years of the Republic.
Denomination is given as 3 strings payable in "value 10" struck copper coins at the rate "98". The Inscription in green color given at the bottom of the note says
"Altogether 147 pc. "value 10" coins" (計銅元壹百四十七枚) what exactly fits to the method of the calculation of the cash coins used in Manchuria (東錢). Other denominations (1 diao and 5 diao) are also known for this money shop, I only saw unissued ones.
"This bank opened one or more branches in India during World War II. The Chinese capital was moved to Chungking during the war and the only communication China had to the outside world was through India. U.S. troops and equipment came to China through India, and Chinese troops were trained by Americans in India. The Chinese troops there were paid with Indian silver coins so the Chinese government had to have banking facilities in India."
変換可能な銀行券の規則(1884 年5 月)
変換可能な銀行券の規則(1884 年5 月) 、
日本の銀行は1885 年に最初銀行券を出した(Meiji 18) 。例えばある小さい故障—にもかかわらず、手形にラットのための優美を作られた を防ぐためにペーパーで混合された の粉が操業主として—巧妙だったことそれはなった。1897 年の日本結合されたth e の金 はと1899 で前の"国民の" 銀行券形式的に段階的に行なわれた。
日本の銀行は創設以来絶えず作動していた; 但し、それは194 2 で再構成され1942 年の日本行為の銀行の下
日本の銀行はの復帰の後で創設された。復帰前に、日本の封建的な はすべて自身のお金、相容れない種類の配列の を、出したが、の新しい通貨の行為はこれらを除き、しかし前のハンによってが県になり、ミントによってが最初に お金を印刷する権利を保った 私用チャーターされた銀行になったメキシコ銀 $ との同等があった新しい十進法の通貨にとして円を確立した。時間の間中央政府及びこれらのいわゆるは両方 を出した。日本の銀行が ベルギーモデルの後の 年で創設されたときに予期しない結果の期間は終わった。それはカウンター、それ故に物品整理番号にその後部分的に個人的に在庫と交換される所有された。他の国立銀行に基づく数o f 修正は前に出されたノートが退職した20 年前に銀行がの施設与えられた1884 年にマネーサプライの制御の独占をだったが、それがもうである規則の内で取囲まれた。
日本銀行 Nippon Ginko history
Rare China Japan Banknotes and Banking
Bank of Japan was founded after the Meiji Restoration. Prior to the Restoration, Japan's feudal fiefs all issued their own money, hansatsu, in an array of incompatible denominations, but the New Currency Act of Meiji 4 (1871) did away with these and established the yen as the new decimal currency, which had parity with the Mexican silver dollar.The former han (fiefs) became prefectures and their mints became private chartered banks which, however, initially retained the right to print money. For a time both the central government and these so-called national banks issued money. A period of unanticipated consequences was ended when the Bank of Japan was founded in Meiji 15 1882 after a Belgian model. It has since been partly privately owned its stock is traded over the counter, hence the stock number. A number of modifications based on other national banks were encompassed within the regulations under which the bank was founded.The institution was given a monopoly on controlling the money supply in 1884, but it would be another 20 years before the previously issued notes were retired.
Bank of Japan was founded after the Meiji Restoration. Prior to the Restoration, Japan's feudal fiefs all issued their own money, hansatsu, in an array of incompatible denominations, but the New Currency Act of Meiji 4 (1871) did away with these and established the yen as the new decimal currency, which had parity with the Mexican silver dollar.The former han (fiefs) became prefectures and their mints became private chartered banks which, however, initially retained the right to print money. For a time both the central government and these so-called national banks issued money. A period of unanticipated consequences was ended when the Bank of Japan was founded in Meiji 15 1882 after a Belgian model. It has since been partly privately owned its stock is traded over the counter, hence the stock number. A number of modifications based on other national banks were encompassed within the regulations under which the bank was founded.The institution was given a monopoly on controlling the money supply in 1884, but it would be another 20 years before the previously issued notes were retired.
Monday, July 11, 2011
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